Saturday, January 26, 2008

Snow Day and AAAR Birthday Party Bash !!

Last night, we simultaneously celebrated thebirthdays of four of our friends.  In true Shane style, it was amazing.  Shane booked the George for two hours and arranged a nomihodai for about 50 people.  No good party is complete without a theme, and, as we were all born in the 80s, we pulled out the spandex, legwarmers, andhairspray.
It was awesome.  Unfortunately, it is definitely one of those times when words cannot describe 
the sheer fantabulousnous that it is.  Fortunately, I figured out how to add photos.  These are just two of the many I took from last night (if you want to see more, go to facebook).

Also, it snowed this week!  I woke up at 8 on Wednesday (an hour and a half past when my alarm clock went off), opened my curtains and saw snow!  Snow, as in flakes falling from the sky and everything covered in white, not the snow/rain that predominates in Salem.  Classes went as usual, but the best part was lunch break.  The kids ran out into the snow and threw snowballs at each other and I couldn't help but join them. They ended up teaming up against me, but I still think I won.

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