Monday, March 24, 2008

The Godfather and Ally McBeal

This past week was unusually low-key.  Thursday was 春分の日(Vernal Equinox Day) and a national holiday.  Many Japanese people honor the day by going to temples and shrines to pray to their ancestors.  I celebrated by sleeping in and watching Ally McBeal on DVD.

Saturday morning and nearly all of Sunday was spent in the same way.  On Saturday afternoon, Dan, Sabrina, Tori, and I visited the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography in Ebisu.  One of the exhibits displayed surrealist photography, and Dan and I tried to explain "surrealism" to Tori in our limited Japanese (I think we failed).

After the museum, we headed to Ikebukuro for dinner and movies. The Godfather trilogy started at 8pm, and we left the theater at 5:45 the next morning.  I fell asleep during the third one (between 2:45 and 5:30), but I've been assured that I didn't miss much.

Things are pretty relaxed this week.  The one exception is Wednesday.  Closing ceremony, after that some Saitama JETs and I are visiting a children's home in Hidaka, after that is the end of the school year enkai.  I'm told this is the biggest drinking party of the year.  Every staff member will be there, and, luckily for me, I'm getting a ride to and from the restaurant.

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